Martin Luther preaches a sermon on the Fourth and Fifth Commandments. This is the third sermon (of ten) in Luther’s first (of three) series of sermons on the Catechism preached in 1528. As I have not found an English translation of these catechism sermons, in lieu of an excerpt from the sermon preached on May 20, we have an except from the Large Catechism‘s treatment of the Fourth Commandment.


[The Fourth Commandment]

Thus far we have learned the first three commandments, which relate to God. First that with our whole heart we trust in him, and fear and love him throughout all our life. Secondly, that we do not misuse his holy name in the support of falsehood or any evil purpose whatsoever, but employ it to the praise of God and the profit and salvation of our neighbor and ourselves. Thirdly, that on holy days and days of rest we should diligently devote ourselves to God’s Word, so that all our actions and our entire life may be ordered according to it. Now follow the other seven, which relate to our neighbor. Among these the the first and greatest is:

“You are to honor your father and your mother.”

God has given this estate of fatherhood and motherhood a special position of honor, higher than all estates that are beneath it. He not only commands us to love our parents, but to honor them. For with respect to brothers, sisters, and our neighbors in general, he commands nothing higher than that we love them, so that he separates and distinguishes father and mother above all other persons on earth, and places them at his side. For it is a far higher thing to honor than to love one, inasmuch as it includes not only love, but also modesty, humility, and deference directed (so to speak) to a majesty hidden within them. Honor requires us not only to address them affectionately and with reverence, but, most of all that, both in heart and with the body, we act to show that we esteem them very highly, and that, next to God, we regard them as the very highest. For one whom we are to honor from the heart we must truly regard as high and great.

We must, therefore impress it upon the young that they should regard their parents as God’s representatives, and remember that however lowly, poor, frail, and eccentric they may be, nevertheless they are still them father and mother given them by God. They are not to be deprived of their honor because of their conduct or their failings. Therefore, we are not to think of their persons, how they may be, but of the will of God who has thus created and ordained. In other respects we are, indeed, all alike in the eyes of God; but among us there must necessarily be such inequality and proper distinction. Therefore God also commands that you are to obey me as your father, and that I have authority over you.

Learn, therefore, first, what this commandment requires concerning honor towards parents. You are to hold them in esteem above all things and value them as the most precious treasure on earth. Second, in your words you are to behave respectfully toward them, and not accost them roughly, haughtily, or defiantly, but rather yield to them and hold your tongue even if they go too far. Third, you are also to honor them by your actions, that is, with your body and possessions, that you serve them, help them, and provide for them when they are old, sick, infirm, or poor, and all that not only gladly, but with humility and reverence, as if doing it for God. For he who knows how to cherish his parents in his heart will not allow them to suffer want or hunger, but will place them above him and at his side, and will share with them all he has to the best of his ability. [to be continued in a future post]

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