April 1, 1528

Martin Luther writes to the widow Felicitas von Selmenitz in Halle. Felicitas von Münch (1488-1558) came from a noble Thuringian family. Her father, Hans von Münch, was governor of Bürgel, Jena, Gleisberg, and Eisenberg. On January 26, 1507, she married the widowed Saxon castellan Wolf von Selmenitz, also from a noble Thuringian family. The wedding…

March 31, 1528

Professor Martin Luther concludes his lectures on 1 Timothy with a lecture on chapter 6, verses 18–21: They [the wealthy] are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, 19 thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may…

March 30, 1528 (Part 3)

Professor Martin Luther lectures on 1 Timothy 6:11–17. Our quotation is taken from the conclusion of the lecture, the conclusion of Luther's comments on v. 17: "As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly…

March 30, 1528 (Part 2)

Professor Martin Luther lectures on 1 Timothy 6:11–17. Our quotation is taken from the conclusion of the lecture, the beginning of Luther's comments on v. 17: "As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly…

March 30, 1528 (Part 1)

Having returned from Torgau to Wittenberg, Professor Martin Luther lectures on 1 Timothy 6:11–17: But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the…

March 28, 1528 (Part 4)

Martin Luther writes [1] to his friend Wenceslaus (Wenzel) Linck [2] in Nürnberg, sending books intended for distribution among the Nürnberg friends of the Reformation. He also reports rumors of war and the escape of Electress Elisabeth of Brandenburg from Berlin to Elector Johann. Quotation: Grace and peace! I gave John Hoffmann [3] copies [4]…

March 28, 1528 (Part 3)

Martin Luther sends his opinion on the morality of a preemptive attack on members of the alleged Breslau League to Gregor Brück, Chancellor of Electoral Saxony. Today's Quotation comprises the conclusion of Luther's report. Quotation: [continued from the previous post]  But to attack these princes [1] and to anticipate them in the war, is not…

March 28, 1528 (Part 2)

Martin Luther sends his opinion on the morality of a preemptive attack on members of the alleged Breslau League to Gregor Brück, Chancellor of Electoral Saxony. Today's Quotation comprises the middle section of Luther's report. Quotation: [continued from the previous post] In the third place, it is a matter of common knowledge throughout the Empire that…

March 28, 1528 (Part 1)

Martin Luther writes to Gregor Brück, Chancellor of Electoral Saxony, [1] sending him Luther's opinion on whether a preemptive attack on members of the alleged Breslau League [2] could be theologically justified. Luther had returned to Wittenberg from the Electoral court in Altenburg on March 26. Although he had stated his opinion while in Altenburg,…

March 18, 1528

Martin Luther writes to George Spalatin, informing him of his arrival in Borna. To Luther’s surprise, Elector Johann had summoned him to the Electoral court in Altenburg. Luther received the summons in Wittenberg on the night of March 16-17 and set off immediately, but only arrived in Borna (60 miles from Wittenberg and about 11…