First half of January 1528 (Part 4)

Martin Luther continues to write Concerning Rebaptism, A Letter of Martin Luther to Two Pastors. Today's Quotation is taken from paragraphs 50 - 52 of this letter, in which Luther addresses the question, "What about the baptism of children?" Quotation: [continued from the previous post] We read in the Acts of the Apostles [2:39; 16:15,…

First half of January 1528 (Part 3)

Martin Luther interrupts composing a major work, the Confession Concerning Christ's Supper to to dash off a nearly 15,000 word Letter to Two Pastors Concerning Rebaptism, Today's Quotation is taken from paragraphs 46 - 49 of this letter, in which Luther addresses the question, "What about the baptism of children?" Quotation: [continued from the previous…

First half of January 1528 (Part 2)

Martin Luther continues to write Concerning Rebaptism, A Letter of Martin Luther to Two Pastors. Today's Quotation is taken from paragraphs 42 - 45 of this letter, in which Luther addresses the question, "What about the baptism of children?" Quotation: [continued from the previous post] Now, since Christ himself is present here, and speaks and…

First half of January 1528 (Part 1)

Martin Luther continues to write Concerning Rebaptism, A Letter of Martin Luther to Two Pastors. [1] Today's Quotation is taken from paragraphs 37 - 41 of this letter, in which Luther addresses the question, "What about children?" Quotation: [continued from "Second half of December 1527 (Part 10)"] Since our baptizing, namely, the baptism of children,…

January 13, 1528 [Part 2]

Professor Martin Luther begins lecturing on the First Epistle to Timothy. Today's Quotation is taken from Luther's commentary on 1 Tim. 1:1 and 2, "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope. To Timothy, my true child in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from…

January 13, 1528 [Part 1]

Professor Martin Luther begins lecturing on the First Epistle to Timothy. His audience would have been small, because most of the University students had, due to the plague, evacuated Wittenberg with the University in the summer of 1527. Luther will lecture on 1 Timothy three days each week until March 31, except for the week…

January 6, 1528

Martin Luther writes to Mrs. Dorothea Jörger. In June 1525, at Luther’s recommendation, Michael Stiefel [1] accepted the call to be pastor in Tolleth, Austria, where the nobleman Christoph Jörger, with his mother Dorothea and his sisters, had become patrons of the Evangelical Church. The August 1527 execution in Schärding (25 miles from Tollet) of…

January 1, 1528

Martin Luther writes to Gerard Wiskamp [1] at Herford. Quotation: Grace and peace! I received your last letters of consolation, my dear Gerard, with great joy and gratitude. Many thanks. May Christ comfort you for this. It is true that this trial [2] is the worst I have ever had, and though I have had…

December 29, 1527

Martin Luther writes to Justus Jonas [1] in Nordhausen. Jonas had evacuated his family to Nordhausen in mid-August, shortly after his young son John died of the plague in Wittenberg. Quotation: Grace and peace! I marvel much, my Jonas, that you have not yet returned, seeing the plague is gone. You might at least have paid…

Second half of December 1527 (Part 10)

Martin Luther interrupts his work on the Confession Concerning Christ's Supper to write Concerning Rebaptism, A Letter of Martin Luther to Two Pastors. Today's Quotation is taken from paragraphs 33 -36 of this letter, in which Luther concludes his response to the question, "Does baptism depend on belief?" Quotation: [continued from the previous post] I…